How a Nature Retreat can help you Recover from Burnout

How a Nature Retreat can help you Recover from Burnout

How a Nature Retreat can help you Recover from Burnout

In today’s global climate, there is a rise in burnout worldwide. Speaking directly to you, if you googled something that led you to reading this article, chances are you feel the effects and are hoping for some sort of relief. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective way to deal with burnout and its many negative effects. But first, what is burnout exactly and how do we address it?

What is Burnout

The World Health Organization describes burnout as an occupational phenomenon caused by chronic workplace stress. It is a state of mental and emotional exhaustion due to one’s occupation, work environment, and several other work-related factors.

What are the negative effects of burnout?

Burnout generally manifests as a deep feeling of exhaustion both mentally and emotionally. People suffering from burnout may feel a profound sense of tiredness, even after sleep. Another common effect is the loss of creativity, motivation, or sense of purpose behind your work. When prolonged, this can seriously affect many aspects of your life. roductivity takes a hit which may cause more stress. Your mood may also be influenced negatively which can often cascade into affecting relationships with people important to you.

How do you know if you’re burnt out?

Here are a few signs to look out for if you suspect you might be burnt out.

Lack of motivation

When you are burnt out, you feel a deep sense of exhaustion. This fatigue leads to a loss in your drive to do work. The intensity varies from person to person but it is a common occurrence, but the lack of impulse is the most recognizable symptom of burnout. It also often leads to other problems.

Poor productivity, performance, and loss of creativity

As your motivation tanks, so does your productivity at work. You slowly begin to hate your job making it difficult to finish even simpler tasks. What once were things you enjoyed are now agonizing to even think about. Procrastination creeps in leading to more stress as the work begins to pile up.

Chronic feeling of exhaustion

This lack of motivation comes with a deep feeling of tiredness that doesn’t seem to go away. Some feel drained even after a night’s sleep. Such chronic grogginess may even lead to difficulty simply getting out of bed. It can even get to the point where the thought of impending work wears on you, perpetuating the feeling exhaustion.

Anxious about going to work

As you feel demotivated and exhausted from work, you may start to feel anxious about having to go back. This can lead you to avoid work responsibilities, refuse to do tasks, or even get to work in the first place. You feel as if you’re in constant danger when dealing with and navigating work pressures.

Digestive issues and headaches

In some cases, burnout can manifest more intensely in the physical body. Sufferers sometimes complain of frequent headaches. Some even report many digestive issues. A study published in 2016 showed that there is a link between cynicism and future digestive issues. The study also points out that burnout has a link to an “increased risk of future illness”.

4 ways that a nature retreat helps in burnout recovery

4 ways that a nature retreat helps in burnout recovery

Fortunately, there is an effective method to combat the negative effects of burnout in our lives. Exposure to nature has been touted both by experts as well as other sufferers of burnout because of its benefits. Here are 4 ways that a nature retreat can help you fight burnout.

Helps reset your body clock

A study conducted by scientists sought to find out the effects of natural light and the body’s circadian rhythm. They found out that exposure to artificial lighting causes our natural body clock to get out of sync with the natural light-dark cycle. This is linked to lack of quality sleep as well as difficulty in getting up in the morning. Camping for just a few days in nature is a good way to rest your circadian rhythms to their natural cycle.

Natural quiet improves mood

Reducing exposure to noise pollution by spending time in naturally quiet places has a positive effect on one’s mood. In a study published in 2021, researchers found evidence across several scientific literature that natural sounds help reduce stress and improve mood. The researchers also found it helps reduce pain felt in some cases. A trip like the collaboration between Recal and Quiet Parks International in the Quiet Park Trip Series has focused on this health benefit of ‘natural’ quiet.

Reduces risk of Anxiety and Depression

If you want to reduce your risk of anxiety and depression, engaging in mindful travel is a great idea. As exposure to nature improves mood and reduces stress in the short term it also affects your susceptibility to depression and anxiety. People who go on nature trips report a reduction of depressive tendencies long after they come back.

Releases Serotonin, boosting happiness

Another positive effect of nature exposure is an overall increase in happiness felt. Increasing exposure to natural locals promotes the release of the feel-good hormone serotonin. This is responsible for the deep and substantial feeling of happiness and contentment that you feel after a week-long adventure travel in the mountains.

So with burnout rates on the rise around the world, as our modern culture continues to take its toll, it is good to know that there is a simple and effective way to deal with burnout and its many negative effects. Contact us about a nature retreat designed specifically for you to recalibrate your nervous system and bounce back from the bout of burnout you’re struggling with.