System Regulation and Focus with In 4 Out 6 Breath Leading into Lion’s Breath

System Regulation and Focus with In 4 Out 6 Breath Leading into Lion’s Breath

In today’s practical guide, we’re going to explore a simple but effective breathing exercise called “In 4 Out 6 Breath” followed by the energizing “Lion’s Breath.” These techniques can help you regulate your nervous system and bring focus to your day. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Finding Your Seat

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position. Feel the weight of your body on the seat, grounding yourself in the present moment. This is your time to disconnect from racing thoughts, to-do lists, and weekend memories. Leave all that behind for now and focus on your body.

Step 2: Connect with Your Body

Shift your attention from your mind to your body. Feel the points of contact between your body and the seat beneath you. Notice the connection with the ground. This simple act of grounding can help you center yourself.

Step 3: Focus on Your Breath

System Regulation and Focus with In 4 Out 6 Breath Leading into Lion’s Breath

Now, let’s shift our attention to the breath. We’re going to practice the “In 4 Out 6 Breath.” Breathe in and out through your nose for this exercise.

  • Exhale: Start by lightly exhaling all the air out of your lungs.
  • Inhale: Inhale slowly for a count of 3, 2, 1.
  • Exhale: Exhale gently for a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
  • Repeat: Continue this pattern for three rounds.

Step 4: Deep Cleansing Breath

After completing the three rounds of “In 4 Out 6 Breath,” take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale it out with a sighing sound. This breath helps release tension and clears your mind.

Step 5: Lion's Breath for Energy

Now, let’s add an invigorating twist with “Lion’s Breath.” Stick out your tongue as you exhale through your mouth. This breath not only energizes you but also releases pent-up stress.

  • Inhale: Breathe in deeply through your nose.
  • Exhale: As you exhale, stick out your tongue and let out a powerful “ha” sound.
  • Repeat: Continue this lion-like exhale for a few rounds.
  • Inhale: Take a deep breath in through your nose.
  • Exhale: Once again, exhale with your tongue out.
  • Repeat this sequence a few times.
  • Inhale: One more deep breath in.
  • Exhale: Finally, exhale with your tongue out, releasing any remaining tension.

And there you have it! You’ve completed the “In 4 Out 6 Breath” followed by the energizing “Lion’s Breath.” This quick practice can help you start your day with a calm mind and an energized body. Remember, you can return to these techniques whenever you need to find balance and focus in your daily life. Enjoy the benefits of mindful breathing!