Consistent with our commitment to hosting inclusive and meaningful adventures, Recal has become a member of the Black Tourism Talent (BTT) network. Due to a longstanding culture of exclusionary practices, Black Americans have historically been kept out of careers in travel. The goal of the National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative has been to change this, so in 2020 and 2021 they introduced multiple initiatives aimed at leveling the playing field. The BTT network database helps to increase equity in the travel industry in several ways. For Black service providers across all sectors of travel industry, the database serves as a place to collaborate with clients. It also helps Black travel businesses to expand their network with other service providers
As a member of the BTT database we plan to connect with professionals who can bring new dimensions to our mindfulness travel programs, and who can champion change for future generations by modeling success in Black tourism.

Recal’s Mission in Black Tourism
Recal is based on the idea that mindfulness is at the root of all transformative travel experiences. Key concepts in mindfulness (compassion, truth seeking, and commitment to positive action) encourage us to employ an anti-racist framework. Accordingly, it is our aim to create an environment where the voices of BIPOC are valued and uplifted. Our core value of radical honesty means that we will hold space for marginalized identities. We need to have a deeper conversation about the barriers that exist in the outdoors. In order to achieve equity for everyone seeking access to the outdoors, it’s necessary to break many patterns. We will continue to reflect on ways to improve our practices and put those observations into action. We hope to become more diverse and inclusive as we grow. This means setting concrete goals. Therefore, we aim to have 25% minority participation in Recal’s trips by 2025.
It is also important to acknowledge that the concept of mindfulness pre-dates Western society. At Recal, we are passionate about the benefits of being mindful, therefore we feel that it is very important to credit Black and Indigenous cultures as originators of mindfulness practice. Properly attributing mindfulness concepts and practices to the cultures that birthed them is an important step towards restorative justice. BIPOC have been fighting on behalf of the environment all across the globe for over a century. Consequently as mindfulness practitioners and lovers of wildlife, we owe a debt of gratitude to cultures that value and protect nature.

Our Plan
For our upcoming trips we plan to contract with guides, coaches, and other suppliers from within the BTT network. We hope to establish lasting partnerships that allow professional advancement for Black travel service providers across the globe. We know that diverse talent will allow each of our trips to blossom into an experience rich with purpose and fun. Look out for upcoming announcements regarding Recal’s membership in the BTT. We are proud to be working together intentionally towards a brighter, more inclusive future.